Mayor’s Corner: Angels Among Us

Published 7:00 am Saturday, July 23, 2022

By Leesville Mayor Rick Allen

A couple of years ago my dad and I were bringing my mother home after a procedure done by the hospital. Even though she was still kind of groggy she seemed to be doing well. But all that changed quickly as I was talking and having conversation with my dad; I just happen to glance over at him and I caught a glimpse of mom slumped over passed out. I slammed on the brakes hit the shoulder and immediately he jumped over the seat into the back where she was sitting. As I was turning that car around my fingers couldn’t dial 911 fast enough, I informed the operator of what I was driving and that I would not be driving the speed limit and quickly made our way back to Rapides Hospital’s Emergency Room. While driving she regained consciousness and the first thing she said was “slow down son.” I pull under the canopy ran inside and told the nurse behind the counter I needed help. She saw my concern and was eager to help. She responded asking if I needed a wheelchair to which I declined and just pleaded for help. To say it was an emotional high intense situation is putting it mildly. This is my momma and I was doing everything in my power to get her the attention she needed quickly. She and several others rushed to the car to get mom and just out of the blue there was a lady in the waiting room who came walking straight towards me. She opened her arms and hugged me tight and she whispered “it’s going to be all okay.” And instantly peace settled around me. One of the nurses had to call my attention several times during that moment to come to the back with her. Then the lady released me and I hurried down the hall to check on mom.
That’s the first and last time I seen her. She didn’t care who I was; if I was rich or poor. If I was black white or brown but she saw fear and she stepped in and chased out fear and walked away. Mom ended up being fine and they determined the cause was she had a reaction to medication that was used in the procedure. But that day I met an Angel; a real live Angel, and wherever you are and whoever you are I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. You will never be forgotten and I think of your kindness often.